Save The Wildlife
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Save The Wildlife was founded in 1984 to meet the needs of growing injured and orphaned wildlife in Central Florida. Now our non-profit organization is dedicated to wildlife preservation through environmental education and research.
Our Vision: Every person needs the opportunity to appreciate the place where wilderness lives within our spirit, to touch it, honor it and preserve it.
Our Mission: Diversity in Unity. Nurture appreciation of wildlife, encourage responsible stewardship of the earth and to demonstrate how everyone can be a part of the solution.
Our Purpose: Provide programs relating our human connection to the environment, in the chain of life, and on Earth in both the Physical and Spiritual form.
Our Goal: Making a difference here on Earth for future generations.
After spending years of work caring for injured and orphaned wildlife we realized that rehabilitation efforts were just a "band-aid" solution in the realm of actually saving wildlife and environment.
An Every Day Event: Our municipalities use defoliant herbicides on our road side ditches, ponds, streams and lakes to control what they consider to be weeds. This poison not only kills the targeted weed but is also picked up into the food chain beginning with algae and water supply. The fish eating the algae and living in the water is eaten by other species and also dies off when concentrations are at a high level. All this flows downstream to further contaminate other areas in what is called “Bioaccumulation”. Multiply this over thousands of times in thousands of areas and you have a planet looking like Prince William’s Sound coated in oil. It is the same circumstance, just different substances.
ã 2007 Save The Wildlife,
Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit recognized by the I.R.S. as a tax deductible
organization. |