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Deer, raccoons and other animals are nocturnal and often forage for food along the roadways at night. This often puts them in danger of being hit. If there is no oncoming traffic, set your headlights on high to increase roadside visibility.

 At night, watch for red or gold reflective orbs alongside the roadways -- they may be animal eyes. Be aware that if one animal is sighted, others may be near. This is especially important during the summer months, when baby animals are following their mothers.

 Be very cautions in undeveloped urban areas. For animals, this is all the safe habitat they have left in which to hide, forage for food and live.

Pay attention to the orange and black "Wildlife Crossing" signs -- these are known "Wildlife Corridors".

 If you know of an unmarked wildlife crossing area, please contact the Department of Transportation and take responsibility to have a sign placed.

If you see an animal along the road ahead, slow your vehicle, flash your headlights and tap the horn. Be aware that a frightened animal may panic, turn in circles, run towards your car or in the opposite direction than expected.

When you see an animal dead on or alongside the road, slow down and look around carefully. Other animals feed on roadside carrion, or it could be a mother with young near.

 If you wish to help save wild lives, carry a box, old towels and blanket with you in the trunk of your car. This emergency kit will help you rescue injured animals to take to the nearest rehabilitator or vet.

If an animal is hit unavoidably, stop to see if the animal is still alive. If so, and it can be done safely, place the animal in a box and call the Game and Fish Commission for a rehabilitator's phone number. When traveling away from home, most veterinarians work with or know rehabbers, so look for a Animal Clinic.

There is a new product on the market that attaches to your vehicle bumper. We don't know how effective it is or the statistics on it, but anything to save wild lives is worth trying. This device emits a high-pitched whistle only heard by animals when the vehicle is moving, to warn them away. It is usually sold in sporting goods stores.

Copyright ã 2007 Save The Wildlife, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit recognized by the I.R.S. as a tax deductible organization.