"You might say the Earths immune system has recognized the presence of it's most destructive pathogen, Humans. Emerging Virus' continue to mutate and survive, even when faced with the destruction of their natural environment.
When they return, they are stronger then they were before." Dr. Nancy Jaax, DVM, Retired Lt Col US Army
"The HOT Zone", National Geographic 2019
When they return, they are stronger then they were before." Dr. Nancy Jaax, DVM, Retired Lt Col US Army
"The HOT Zone", National Geographic 2019
There are law's of nature that have been followed since life first appeared on our planet, one being "Survival of the Fitness. These basic laws are what led our ancestors out of the Jungle to where we are today. Humans total disregard for these "Law's of the Nature" is what is going to end the human race and all life on our planet as we know it.
Today we have Bacteria's, Virus' & other things that are following these law's of nature, constantly mutating, creating deadly habitat's for wildlife and for us. We have come so close to global outbreaks of deadly mutated pathogens that could wipe us off the face of the earth. The Scientists say each time Ebola retreats to the Jungle, it comes back even stronger, mutating to survive. Imagine Ebola mixing with HIV, then Marburg, add a little Bubonic Plague, let it incubate in the hot jungle ..........I don't want to even think of the possibilities but there is a reality here we will face one day. For more on emerging Infectious Diseases' you can read HERE.
There will be more and more of these mutations making it's way around our planet because we are now a "Global" community. Airplanes have increased the rate of infection spreading before we even know some one is sick. How long do we have before the next new or old emerging disease comes to get us?
In my Life time, Polio had been eradicated, Small Pox too, Measles, Mumps the things we got when young are now a thing of the past, so we thought. Today more parents are choosing to not vaccinate their children (I have seen my own children affected negativity with mandatory school vaccinations) so now we are seeing the re emergence of these diseases. Those beaten back by modern medical science have retreated to the "Jungle" where they incubate with other bacteria's/virus' and come back at us mutated, harder, stronger & deadlier.
This will be the undoing of our world, NOT a world war, NOT Rapture, NOT collapse of civilization, all though the later is inevitable when every one is sick and dying. We are so blind to this that when it happens many will be dead before it's realized we have a major health crisis. We see this all ready with "COVID-19", also Lyme Disease and Co Infections, just like HIV/AIDS it is killing hundreds of thousands now with no one doing any thing. We won't survive this once these things mutate again, EACH time they mutate they are becoming resistant to what ever we used to combat and beat them back. Our over use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistant strains, virus' resistant to all treatments, we have no antibiotics, no antivirals to cure us from these things. The END is coming sooner then we thought.
Today we have Bacteria's, Virus' & other things that are following these law's of nature, constantly mutating, creating deadly habitat's for wildlife and for us. We have come so close to global outbreaks of deadly mutated pathogens that could wipe us off the face of the earth. The Scientists say each time Ebola retreats to the Jungle, it comes back even stronger, mutating to survive. Imagine Ebola mixing with HIV, then Marburg, add a little Bubonic Plague, let it incubate in the hot jungle ..........I don't want to even think of the possibilities but there is a reality here we will face one day. For more on emerging Infectious Diseases' you can read HERE.
There will be more and more of these mutations making it's way around our planet because we are now a "Global" community. Airplanes have increased the rate of infection spreading before we even know some one is sick. How long do we have before the next new or old emerging disease comes to get us?
In my Life time, Polio had been eradicated, Small Pox too, Measles, Mumps the things we got when young are now a thing of the past, so we thought. Today more parents are choosing to not vaccinate their children (I have seen my own children affected negativity with mandatory school vaccinations) so now we are seeing the re emergence of these diseases. Those beaten back by modern medical science have retreated to the "Jungle" where they incubate with other bacteria's/virus' and come back at us mutated, harder, stronger & deadlier.
This will be the undoing of our world, NOT a world war, NOT Rapture, NOT collapse of civilization, all though the later is inevitable when every one is sick and dying. We are so blind to this that when it happens many will be dead before it's realized we have a major health crisis. We see this all ready with "COVID-19", also Lyme Disease and Co Infections, just like HIV/AIDS it is killing hundreds of thousands now with no one doing any thing. We won't survive this once these things mutate again, EACH time they mutate they are becoming resistant to what ever we used to combat and beat them back. Our over use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistant strains, virus' resistant to all treatments, we have no antibiotics, no antivirals to cure us from these things. The END is coming sooner then we thought.
What you need to know about
National Geographic's program "The Hot Zone" documents the 1989 Outbreak of "Ebola" in Africa that made it to our country. We came so close to a global disaster that could of killed all of humanity, except for a small portion that are immune or non-symptomatic.
Ebola has also come to US in Texas in 2014 along with many health care workers returning who are working in the current outbreaks are coming home infected from Ebola. |
Peter Daszak is a zoologist who works in China and runs the EcoHealth Alliance, an organization that studies the connections between human and wildlife health. So coronaviruses, like the new one that’s spreading right now, are one of his areas of expertise. A few years back, Daszak was working with the World Health Organization, plotting out what the next global pandemic could look like, when he and some other scientists came up with the idea of “Disease X.” Disease X would hit this epidemiological sweet spot: It would transmit easily from person to person, and it would be deadly,....
Borrelia burgdorferi peptidoglycan persistent antigen patients with Lyme Arthritis
Lyme disease, caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, is the most common vector-borne disease in North America. If early infection is untreated, it can result in late-stage manifestations, including arthritis. Although antibiotics are generally effective at all stages of the disease, arthritis may persist in some patients for months to several years despite oral and intravenous antibiotic treatment.
Vector-borne diseases more than triple in US, CDC says
According to data from a new CDC Vital Signs report, more than 640,000 cases of vector-borne illnesses like Zika, West Nile virus and Lyme disease were reported to the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) by state health departments from 2004 through 2016, although the actual total is thought to be much higher.
Potentially deadly Valley Fever is hitting California farm workers hard, worrying researchers.
LAMONT, Calif. — Victor Gutierrez contracted valley fever, an illness caused by a soil-borne fungus, and he thinks he got it in the summer of 2011 when he worked in the nectarine orchards of California’s dry, dusty Central Valley.
Zika, Lyme drive big increase in bug-borne disease in U.S.
More and more Americans are being infected with diseases carried by ticks and mosquitoes, federal researchers reported Tuesday.
More than 640,000 Americans were infected by so-called vector-borne diseases between 2004 and 2016, and nine new diseases, from Bourbon virus to Zika, have shown up, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. |
The Lone Star Tick in Kentucky
The lone star tick (Fig. 1) is an important nuisance pest across Kentucky and can be a vector of some diseases. Its most common hosts are wild mammals and ground-nesting birds but these aggressive ticks readily feed on humans and companion animals.
Vector-borne diseases more than triple in US, CDC says
According to data from a new CDC Vital Signs report, more than 640,000 cases of vector-borne illnesses like Zika, West Nile virus and Lyme disease were reported to the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) by state health departments from 2004 through 2016, although the actual total is thought to be much higher.
CDC Antibiotic / Antimicrobial Resistance (AR / AMR)
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest public health challenges of our time. In 2013, CDC published a comprehensive analysis outlining the top 18 antibiotic-resistant threats in the U.S., titled Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2013 (AR Threats Report). The report sounded the alarm to the danger of antibiotic resistance.
Flesh-eating bacteria cases rising due to climate change, doctors say
Doctors think that climate change may have brought flesh-eating bacteria to previously unaffected waters.
In a report published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers say that rising water temperatures in the Delaware Bay may be to blame for an increase in the number of cases of Vibrio vulnificus infection, which can occur after handling or consuming seafood or coming into contact with seawater. |
Swift response kept humans safe during ‘massive’ anthrax outbreak:
A rapid public health response was credited with keeping a “massive” anthrax outbreak at a national park in Namibia from spilling over to infect humans or livestock, according to a report published today in Emerging Infectious Diseases.
“Human anthrax cases are known to be associated with outbreaks in animals,” ........ “In fact, contact with animals..... |
First mosquitoes of 2019 test positive for West Nile virus in DuPage County
In 2018, 74 counties in Illinois reported positive results for West Nile virus in a mosquito, bird or human, IDPH said. 176 human cases — which are often under reported — were confirmed positive last year, 17 of which resulted in death.
Zika Virus

- Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus). These mosquitoes bite during the day and night.
- Zika can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus. Infection during pregnancy can cause certain birth defects.
- There is no vaccine or medicine for Zika.
Child Unconscious for Days Following Tick Bite
A young Hillview, Kentucky boy picked up a potentially deadly disease while playing in his backyard.
Many animals featured at petting zoos may be colonized with one or more strains of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase, or ESBL, and AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae, according to research presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. “The risk for illness at petting zoos depends on various factors.....
There's a lot MORE that I can post here but I think you get the big picture, we are all in danger of being infected by some thing during our life time.