The End of Our World as we know it... Our GREATEST THREAT
With Climate Change is
"Vector Borne Diseases"
With Climate Change is
"Vector Borne Diseases"
The End of Our World as I SEE It.

Our Planet experienced one of the most devastating Crude Oil Environmental disasters in March of 1989 with the Exxon Valdez Oil spill. Unable to just sit and watch the overwhelming numbers of wildlife affected S.T.W. put together a group of 5 Florida Wildlife Rehabilitators to travel to Alaska.
<For More about our trip read here>
The only way I can describe the experience of the next couple months is that it was very much a war zone and we were the MASH units. Helicopters flying overhead created a PTSD reaction in us, (staying with me to this very day), flying out meant that we had "Casualties" coming so that was our cue to get prepared. Day and night, 24/7 that constant whirl of helicopter blades makes me cringe to this very day.
What I experienced in Valdez was a massive assault on wildlife and environment, I watched People, Corporations & our Government come together to help however they could, I watched animals suffer and die, I watched a whole community in fear of what the future brought, I watched grown men cry, I cried, we all cried, a lot.
<For More about our trip read here>
The only way I can describe the experience of the next couple months is that it was very much a war zone and we were the MASH units. Helicopters flying overhead created a PTSD reaction in us, (staying with me to this very day), flying out meant that we had "Casualties" coming so that was our cue to get prepared. Day and night, 24/7 that constant whirl of helicopter blades makes me cringe to this very day.
What I experienced in Valdez was a massive assault on wildlife and environment, I watched People, Corporations & our Government come together to help however they could, I watched animals suffer and die, I watched a whole community in fear of what the future brought, I watched grown men cry, I cried, we all cried, a lot.

Staying in a B & B at the edge of town, there was a path up to a ledge on the slope of the mountain that would walk to just to calm myself. Standing there I could see out over Valdez, look to the South at the water surrounded by majestic mountains following the channel of water out towards Prince William Sound. It was Surreal, it's beautiful just like you see in movies and pictures, everything a Northern Wilderness should be.
The day before leaving there was one last walk up the mountain side , one last look at the beauty this land is, one last time to sit, meditate, soak in the surrounding energy of nature, be one with nature. With my mind calmed all the stress far below me, sitting in silence I heard "God" again, but this time it was frightening.
I have heard & felt God many times in my life, the guidance is who & why I am who I am. This time it was different, this time it was startling, this time it scared me. The voice was sad, a deep sorrow in the tone but there was a "warning" and I heard it.
The day before leaving there was one last walk up the mountain side , one last look at the beauty this land is, one last time to sit, meditate, soak in the surrounding energy of nature, be one with nature. With my mind calmed all the stress far below me, sitting in silence I heard "God" again, but this time it was frightening.
I have heard & felt God many times in my life, the guidance is who & why I am who I am. This time it was different, this time it was startling, this time it scared me. The voice was sad, a deep sorrow in the tone but there was a "warning" and I heard it.

Quietly sitting on a rock, feeling the wind on my face, my mind still, pictures of what I saw flying here, going over Prince William Sound, passing over the Exxon-Valdez, seeing the oil sheen spreading farther and farther until out of site entered my mind. Then I heard clearly a voice in my head:
"This is what your world looks like, you just can't SEE "IT" covering everything, take this as a warning of what is to come if it continues like it has"
It's pretty much continued & from my Arkansas experience a year later, its so much worse then what
I thought at first. It was another "Lesson" for me to deliver God's message to humanity. No one payed to much attention to Rachel Carsons' book "Silent Spring". She nailed it there, she saw what I am seeing only decades before me, Rachel warned us BIG TIME, warned us, no one really listened and that is one of the things that has gotten us here. If you haven't read her book, I highly recommend it to better understand what is happening in this world. <Rachel Carson - SILENT SPRING>
In Arkansas I learned I am "Expendable" to my government, I learned that if you can't SEE "IT" , they aren't going to fix it. You couldn't see the Agent Orange, Agent Purple, Agent Blue et al., Heptachlor, Lindane, Aldrin, Silvex (Mercury), etc., etc., the list of manufactured poison in this town is long.
I stood to witness personally how callous and uncaring our Government is towards a town of 35,000+ people who are sick with chemical poisoning, even when the evidence is overwhelming. Neighborhoods full of "Cluster" Diseases, cancer rates high above the national average, still born babies, birth defect babies, sick children and sicker adults.
This town is home to the Little Rock Air Base which made it the perfect spot to place next door first an ammunition factory during WW2, then later manufacturing all those chemicals used in the Vietnam War. Unchecked along with Uncontrolled flowing contamination, I have tracked it all running down into the Arkansas River all the way South into Stuttgart, world famous for it's duck hunting. It doesn't stop there, it flows further South, all the way to the Mississippi River contaminating every thing in its way. Did I mention at the Little Rock Air Base that Base Housing for the Military Families is built on an Old Dump Site for the base from the 50 & 60's? Yet that is how much they care about the health and well being of our Military Families, every time some one gets sick, etc., asking questions, researching the area they get transferred!!! That is how they keep control of this, moving them away so they can't stir the pot. (I strongly suggest every military family living in base housing check the old records to see if your home is built on a old military dump site.)
Due to today's disastrous weather patterns we are seeing increased flooding in the Heartland along with severe Tornadoes', the kind we have never experienced except for fake enhanced CGI Graphics in movies. If it continues at this rate, I predict the Heartland of America from Texas to Arkansas Mountains will be a desolate inhabitable area of waste land due to weather patterns. With these weather disasters flooding is carrying Hydrocarbon Petrochemicals, flooded contaminated waste water retention ponds, polluted areas flow down stream from all of this poisoning everything in it's path.
Every thing South of Jacksonville AR flows into the Arkansas River then flows to the Mississippi. Dioxin contamination in fish and wildlife down this far has been documented in the Mississippi. Jacksonville Ark is the #1 SUPER FUND SITE in our country and #1 for NOTHING to be done. You can read more about this town here <Jacksonville Ark Super Fund Site>
This realization that the Government does not protect people from chemical contamination, despite what I saw in Alaska, Arkansas was every bit and more dangerous to Wildlife/Humans then Alaska. The difference was that we can't SEE "IT". That is what they count on, out of sight out of mind then DENY, DENY, DENY!!!
Now, some 30 years later, I realize there was more to the first message, I had to live some very hard life experiences to understand the full scope of what is happening on our planet to understand there was more to God's message.
Our world will be ending not because of world war, nuclear bombs, Rapture, it will end with our beautiful blue jewel planet turning into one HUGE contaminated mess, then it gets worse. Along with no clean water, no clean air, our food supply will dwindle as more and more of our Livestock, animals we are dependent on, will be gone. Currently our wildlife is suffering the most with "Vector Borne Disease", we are loosing whole herds & populations in areas thick in ticks and infectious diseases. Once these animals are gone the Vermin will go after Livestock, when the animals are gone we are next to disappear.
While in Valdez AK The Orlando Sentinel ran parts of my journal, if you would like to read these articles you can here <Journal 1><Journal 2> <Journal 3><Journal 4>
"This is what your world looks like, you just can't SEE "IT" covering everything, take this as a warning of what is to come if it continues like it has"
It's pretty much continued & from my Arkansas experience a year later, its so much worse then what
I thought at first. It was another "Lesson" for me to deliver God's message to humanity. No one payed to much attention to Rachel Carsons' book "Silent Spring". She nailed it there, she saw what I am seeing only decades before me, Rachel warned us BIG TIME, warned us, no one really listened and that is one of the things that has gotten us here. If you haven't read her book, I highly recommend it to better understand what is happening in this world. <Rachel Carson - SILENT SPRING>
In Arkansas I learned I am "Expendable" to my government, I learned that if you can't SEE "IT" , they aren't going to fix it. You couldn't see the Agent Orange, Agent Purple, Agent Blue et al., Heptachlor, Lindane, Aldrin, Silvex (Mercury), etc., etc., the list of manufactured poison in this town is long.
I stood to witness personally how callous and uncaring our Government is towards a town of 35,000+ people who are sick with chemical poisoning, even when the evidence is overwhelming. Neighborhoods full of "Cluster" Diseases, cancer rates high above the national average, still born babies, birth defect babies, sick children and sicker adults.
This town is home to the Little Rock Air Base which made it the perfect spot to place next door first an ammunition factory during WW2, then later manufacturing all those chemicals used in the Vietnam War. Unchecked along with Uncontrolled flowing contamination, I have tracked it all running down into the Arkansas River all the way South into Stuttgart, world famous for it's duck hunting. It doesn't stop there, it flows further South, all the way to the Mississippi River contaminating every thing in its way. Did I mention at the Little Rock Air Base that Base Housing for the Military Families is built on an Old Dump Site for the base from the 50 & 60's? Yet that is how much they care about the health and well being of our Military Families, every time some one gets sick, etc., asking questions, researching the area they get transferred!!! That is how they keep control of this, moving them away so they can't stir the pot. (I strongly suggest every military family living in base housing check the old records to see if your home is built on a old military dump site.)
Due to today's disastrous weather patterns we are seeing increased flooding in the Heartland along with severe Tornadoes', the kind we have never experienced except for fake enhanced CGI Graphics in movies. If it continues at this rate, I predict the Heartland of America from Texas to Arkansas Mountains will be a desolate inhabitable area of waste land due to weather patterns. With these weather disasters flooding is carrying Hydrocarbon Petrochemicals, flooded contaminated waste water retention ponds, polluted areas flow down stream from all of this poisoning everything in it's path.
Every thing South of Jacksonville AR flows into the Arkansas River then flows to the Mississippi. Dioxin contamination in fish and wildlife down this far has been documented in the Mississippi. Jacksonville Ark is the #1 SUPER FUND SITE in our country and #1 for NOTHING to be done. You can read more about this town here <Jacksonville Ark Super Fund Site>
This realization that the Government does not protect people from chemical contamination, despite what I saw in Alaska, Arkansas was every bit and more dangerous to Wildlife/Humans then Alaska. The difference was that we can't SEE "IT". That is what they count on, out of sight out of mind then DENY, DENY, DENY!!!
Now, some 30 years later, I realize there was more to the first message, I had to live some very hard life experiences to understand the full scope of what is happening on our planet to understand there was more to God's message.
Our world will be ending not because of world war, nuclear bombs, Rapture, it will end with our beautiful blue jewel planet turning into one HUGE contaminated mess, then it gets worse. Along with no clean water, no clean air, our food supply will dwindle as more and more of our Livestock, animals we are dependent on, will be gone. Currently our wildlife is suffering the most with "Vector Borne Disease", we are loosing whole herds & populations in areas thick in ticks and infectious diseases. Once these animals are gone the Vermin will go after Livestock, when the animals are gone we are next to disappear.
While in Valdez AK The Orlando Sentinel ran parts of my journal, if you would like to read these articles you can here <Journal 1><Journal 2> <Journal 3><Journal 4>
Clearly Ticks are the #1 Offender, Mosquitoes, Deer Flies, Sand Flies, Horse Flies, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Lice, Spiders, etc., every biting "Vector" is carrying something that's going to infect some thing keeping this loop to extinction going.
Something important to also note here which is part of this whole picture, bacteria are mutating while becoming resistant to antibiotics. Humans began feeding Antibiotics to our livestock creating a whole other problem with our food chain. We are all ready seeing fatal bacterial in humans climbing at an alarming rate, truth be told, unless we figure out new Antibiotics We will not come back from this. This is not just some remote area, this is GLOBAL. Below we show the damage done by just 1 Invasive Species, the Cane Toad. in Australia's' case these Toads have actually evolved, their hind legs have gotten longer but everything eating them is being poisoned.
Something important to also note here which is part of this whole picture, bacteria are mutating while becoming resistant to antibiotics. Humans began feeding Antibiotics to our livestock creating a whole other problem with our food chain. We are all ready seeing fatal bacterial in humans climbing at an alarming rate, truth be told, unless we figure out new Antibiotics We will not come back from this. This is not just some remote area, this is GLOBAL. Below we show the damage done by just 1 Invasive Species, the Cane Toad. in Australia's' case these Toads have actually evolved, their hind legs have gotten longer but everything eating them is being poisoned.
Not just Zoonosis Infections - Poisonous & Invasive Species are DEADLY!
Earths Food Chain is out of Balance & Fatal in many cases, it's just getting worse every year with invasive species multiplying unchecked. But then it gets WORSE if you add things like Wasting Disease our Deer herds are experiencing, this will most likely mutate and infect other species. You now can visually see how badly our fine web of life is breaking apart.

Cane toads increasingly a problem in Florida:
Thousands of Invasive Cane Toads Overtake Florida Community, Over the weekend, thousands of poisonous baby cane toads emerged from canals or leapt out of retention ponds in several Palm Beach Gardens neighborhoods along the Atlantic coast of Florida.
The giant knot—which is the name for a collective group of cane toads--likely settled in after mild winter temperatures and recent rains set the toads up for a booming breeding cycle, with thousands of baby toads reaching maturity around the same time, reports Chad Gillis at USA Today. <<Read more here:>>
Thousands of Invasive Cane Toads Overtake Florida Community, Over the weekend, thousands of poisonous baby cane toads emerged from canals or leapt out of retention ponds in several Palm Beach Gardens neighborhoods along the Atlantic coast of Florida.
The giant knot—which is the name for a collective group of cane toads--likely settled in after mild winter temperatures and recent rains set the toads up for a booming breeding cycle, with thousands of baby toads reaching maturity around the same time, reports Chad Gillis at USA Today. <<Read more here:>>
Cane toads an increasing problem in Australia:
Before 1935, Australia did not have any toad species of its own. What the country did have however, was a major beetle problem. Two species of beetles in particular, French’s Cane Beetle and the Greyback Cane Beetle, were in the process of decimating the northeastern state of Queensland’s sugar cane crops. The beetle’s larvae were eating the roots of the sugar cane and ...... <Read More Here>
Pythons Taking Over The Everglades
Our future on this planet is not very bright at this time.
Then we have Pythons in the Florida Everglades KILLING everything! This giant slow moving river, the largest in North America, is becoming silent, no bird calls, no nest tree is safe, "Rookeries" & island "Hatcheries" are now silent. The life cycle & nests of Raccoons, Opossums, etc. are no longer safe to these slithery creatures. Everything that can be eaten by these snakes is eaten by these snakes, including Alligators. <Read More Here>