Florida has the third-largest population of wild birds in the U.S.

The southern tip of Florida is our nation's only tropical hardwood forest, and can also be considered a "Jungle".

The Everglades is the largest freshwater marsh in the U.S. 65% of the original area of the Everglades has been drained.

Florida is losing 19 acres of natural habitat per hour. Since 1950, developers have drained 54% of Florida's wetlands.

87% of Florida's Longleaf Pine forest has been destroyed. In Central Florida, 80% of the ancient Scrub Forest has been eliminated.

Only 10% of Florida's sandy beaches are still pristine.

Florida has 760 species of wildlife that exist nowhere else in the world.

In Florida, 548 species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction.

Florida's percentages of decline in wildlife population: 60% of mammals; 54% of birds; 48% of reptiles; 28% of fish; 19% of amphibians.

The Florida Panther is the third most Endangered Animal in the world.

The Panther is our state animal and we have less than 50 left in the wild. Approximately 1,250 Florida Black Bears still survive in the state. The estimated number of manatees is 2,000+; there may be less than 300 adult American Crocodiles, and only 200-300 Key Deer still survive.

Florida has the largest population of Bald Eagles in the Continental U.S.

50% of Florida's wildlife species are declining because of habitat loss. This is the number-one cause of extinction today.

From 900-1,000 people move to Florida each day. For each new resident, an estimated one-half acre of wildlife habitat is cleared and destroyed.

Globally, three species a day become extinct -- and the number is increasing.

In 1989, the Dusky Seaside Sparrow became extinct. The last male died a lonely death. Extinction means Forever.

Due to the large amount of agricultural and industrial chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) used in the State of Florida, the wildlife food chain is horribly contaminated. This factor reduces the wildlife life span by as much as 50% (Agent Orange was used on Florida waterways during the 1960s and 1970s).

Copyright 2010 Save The Wildlife, Inc.  a Non Profit 501C3 IRS Tax Exempt Organization